Sunday, February 19, 2006

oh sweet michelle(:
fei, shir, dion.

fei er brought this big mirror. LOL.
nice right. tsktsk. know who's the one taking alr right. yah. so AHEM(:
xw and meeeeee.
kel and xw(:
WAHAHA. sorry shir, she's gonna kill me for this. shir, u look cute la.
sisi and me. finally. this is the first time we took a pic tgt. LOL

im so out. look at my pose. gosh.

dance performance today was damn sucky i tell u. the stage, the ambience, the weather. gosh.

anway, thanks KEL for coming and burning the disc for us as well(: , darren, mikal, jyun, yiwei and whoever who came t support us, thanks for coming. xie xie, thank u. arigato.
well done girls. (:

and ya, after everything, went down t pasir ris for the bboy battle. jarel's grp got first. heh heh.
got one bgirl. power power. salute her ah. tsk!
den slacked in tamp for awhile and im back home! (:

nights peepo(:


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